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New Patio Doors From Home Supply Window & Door

When you need new doors for your home, you can always rely on Home Supply Window & Door. We install and service all types of doors for homeowners in the NY metro area. If you are interested in new patio doors to enhance the look, security, and efficiency of your home, we can help you through every step of our patio door installation process.

Patio Doors Installation service in the NYC Metro Area

Our Patio Door Design and Build Difference

Your patio doors create a connection between the inside and outside of your home, so it’s important for them to be functional as well as attractive. Old doors can be difficult to open, close, and lock. They can also let heat escape from your home during the winter and let cold air escape from your home during the summer, forcing your HVAC system to work harder to maintain your desired temperature. We understand the importance of having modern patio doors, which is why we focus on the following when designing and building patio doors

  • Improving function – Outdated doors can feature material and hardware that have worn out over time, making it difficult and open and close them. Modern patio doors will be easier to open and close.
  • Creating convenience – When you have new patio doors that are easier to open and close, it’ll be easier for you to move from inside of your home to outside. Our team will also work quickly and efficiently so the entire process is as convenient as possible.
  • Creating comfort – You should always feel comfortable in your home, but outdated patio doors can make it difficult to maintain your desired home temperature. New doors will help keep your heat and cold air inside of your home, so your HVAC system won’t have to work as hard, and your bills won’t be as high.
  • Increasing home value – Whether you are thinking about selling your home soon or plan to stay for a while, it’s always a good idea to increase your home’s value with upgrades like new patio doors.

Types of Patio Doors

Every home is different, which is why there are different types of patio doors for homeowners to consider. Our experts can design and install different options, such as:

  • Sliding patio doors – Sliding glass doors are popular in many homes because they don’t require much space and offer a simple and sleek look that can enhance any home’s appearance.
  • Hinged patio doors – Hinged doors swing either inward or outward for easy passage.
  • Folding patio doors – Folding patio doors feature panels of glass that fold like an accordion, offering a stylish and modern appearance.

Ways to Customize Your Patio Doors

Along with different types of patio doors, we offer different customization options. Our patio doors come in a variety of materials, including vinyl, wood, aluminum, fiberglass, and more. You can also customize your patio doors by choosing the colors you want for the interior and the exterior as well as what hardware options you want to enhance the appearance.

Why Choose Home Supply Window & Door?

You can always feel confident when you choose Home Supply Window & Door for your window and door installation project. Our team has experience working with many different types of patio doors and we can help you choose the right option for your home.

Other Services We Offer

Need more than just patio doors? We also specialize in other types of residential door installation and replacement, including front doors and oversized doors. Our friendly team can also help you with window installation that can make your home more attractive and secure and help you save money on energy bills.

Contact Us Today!

You can learn more about your patio door options in the NY metro area when you contact Home Supply Window & Door. With our assortment of patio door options, we can help you design and install the perfect new doors for your home. Let’s get started on your next home project!